Slnko Sun Protection
Born under the African skies, SLNKO originated out of our love and passion for the great outdoors.

We are a South African-based company with a desire to embrace all the adventures that the outdoors has to offer us. Our vision is to share this passion with outdoor enthusiasts all over the world.
At SLNKO, we focus on the fun side of life. We want you to enjoy being outdoors for longer which means you need to be protected from harsh elements like the sun. Our mission is to offer you just that, sun protection. Not only is our mission to protect you from the sun, but we also want to do it in the safest way possible, for you and for our environment. Our products are free from the harmful chemicals, Oxybenzone and Octinoxate, to ensure your skin is not harmed and nor are our coral reefs and marine life. Because protecting the planet should never be up for debate. Ever. The main ingredient in our products is Zinc Oxide, which is a more effective and safe alternative to conventional sunscreens as it is a broad-spectrum sun protection. This protects you from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Our products are safe to use for the whole family because we don’t use any ingredients that would harm our own.